Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tales From The Kabone...

It would have been smart to bring the camera, the cables, and all the necessary things to upload pictures, but things don't always work out that well, I apologize. Either way, things are in tip top shape here. I'm flying to Belitsaka tomorrow, my village, and will be there until Tuesday or Wednesday, or long (it all depends on if the flights actually happen).

So, look there... just to the right, above the ad... it's my address. You had it all along. Just kidding, I got some people that asked for it, so there it is. But I'll try to put pictures up here in a few weeks, maybe one or two of where I'll live.

Don't stop here, scroll down, no, it's not the easter bunny, but it's better.



Em said...

baby. you are it. i continue to be thrilled for your adventures and your new life. im a new soul...

love em

Brian said...

You rock I love reading your blog please keep it up. Today it is snowing in slc ut and skis are going out the door and so are mt bikes it's that time of year

Anonymous said...

Marshall this is awesome. I'm proud of you for doing what you love. You rock!
Katie Dickson Wiscombe

Unknown said...


A late happy birthday wish. Sounds like things are going well. Continuing having fun and helping the world!
